Don’t be a slave to ‘Mestrual Misery’
Scottish Government – Cervical Screening Campaign Film
Video from Youtube: Scottish Government A short, bold film created by NHS Scotland and the...
This 3-Minute Viral Video Captures the Joy and Misery of Having a Uterus
Gloria Steinem once remarked that if menstruation were a characteristic of the male biology, it would be regarded as an esteemed and commendable masculine occurrence.
Day Case TLH
Day case total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH)
Volunteering Malawi Cancer Care
Staff from Nkhoma Hospital with the Edinburg team, Sr Gilary Brown, fourth from left; Dr Graeme Walker, centre; Prof Heather Cubie, front third from right and Dr Christine Campbell, front second from right
Life Changing Day Surgery
It’s a life-changing procedure now done in a day. Gold Coast University Hospital is the only facility in Australia to do this revolutionary surgery that’s changing the lives of women.